I remember hearing about lip implants and having to repress a shudder of horror, for images of stiff and swollen 'trout pouts' which run through my brain. Now, apparently, the tide has changed.
In the last few years, they've introduced two new and revolutionary types of lip implants: VeraFil (aka 'FulFil') and Permalip.
Permalip was developed by SurgiSil and is a solid sillicone implant. It is not hard, but a soft, gummy like texture, which is smooth as to prevent tissue in-growth. It comes in three sizes and a variety of different lengths and is said to be a very natural looking implant for lip augmentation.
Both types of implants are permanent yet reversible and cost between $3000 and $4000 for both lips depending on your part of the country.
Though I've seen some gorgeous results with injectable fillers, it isn't the most economic choice for some people, considering they need to be touched up every few months. As with all surgical procedures, there are risks involved, but for me personally, I'm planning on getting the Verafil implants in a few months time.
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